Service | Fee

Rates effective as of March 3rd, 2025

Dormant/Inactive Account Fee 1 | $5.00 per month

NSPIRE Checking Account |$5 per month for members with an average monthly balance of less than $1500

Business Deposit Check Fee | $0.20 per item over 100 per month

Excessive Withdrawal Fee | $1.00 each after 6 in a month

Account Re-open Fee | $25.00

Returned Item Fee - Share Draft | $30.00

Returned Item Fee - ACH | $30.00

Returned Item Fee - Bill Pay Service | $30.00

Overdraft Privilege Fee | $30.00

Stop Payment Fee for Share Draft, ACH or Money Order | $30.00

Skip a Payment Fee (when applicable) $25.00

Share Certificates | An early withdrawal penalty of 2% of the principal balance or 1 year of interest, whichever is less, will apply if any funds are withdrawn from the certificate before the maturity date.

ACH Affidavit Fee | $15.00

Check Cashing Fee   (when applicable) $3.00

Returned Mail/Bad Address Fee | $5.00 per month

Research Fee | $25.00

Share Draft Copy Fee | $2.00 each

Statement Copy Fee | $1.00 per page

Copy Fee | $0.25 each

Money Order Fee | $2.00 each

Cashier's Check Fee | $2.00 each

Debit Card Replacement | $10.00

In-House Counter Check Fee | $1.00 for four (4) checks

Wire Transfer Fee | $10.00 on Incoming Wires / $20 on Outgoing Outgoing Domestic / $45 Outgoing International Wire Transfer Fees 

International Wire Transfer Fee | $35.00

Over-The-Counter Share Draft Withdrawal Fee | $1.00 each after 2 free per day

Returned Deposit Item Fee | $15.00 per item

Oil Lease and Mineral Rights Process | $25.00

CarFax Report Fee | $25.00

Visa Gift Card | $2.95

Overnight Rush Fee (Bill Pay) | $34.95

Second-Day Rush Check Fee (Bill Pay) | $29.95

Second-Day Rush Electronic (Bill Pay) | $6.95

Garnishments  | $100 fee for qualified garnishments, Levies and Subpoenas

Account Service Fee 2 (Effective 08/31/16) $3.00 per month  (Waived with eDocuments enabled)


For Business Services Fee Schedule, please click here. 

1. An Account is considered dormant/inactive if no activity has occurred within 12 months.

2. The Account Service Fee is waived for accounts with eDocuments enabled. If an account holder is age 18 and younger or 50 and older the fee is also waived. If an account holder is currently in college and age 24 or less, the fee may be waived by notifying FSCU.