Co-Op Shared Branches
Co-Op Shared Branches
From coast to coast, you're welcome at branches and ATMs wherever you see the CO-OP logos. That covers a lot of territory - whether you're across town, or traveling far from home for business or pleasure. Your credit union membership means you can:
- Use nearly 30,000 surcharge-free ATM locations-more than some of the biggest banks offer
- Take advantage of surcharge-free ATMs at convenient places like 7-Eleven®, Costco® and Walgreens®
- Visit over 5,000 convenient branch locations and more than 2,000 self-service locations covering all 50 states - simply have your credit union name, account number, and a government ID and you'll have access to your accounts*
- Easily locate ATMs and branches through any of our locator tools-including mobile app, phone or Internet
* While Family Savings Credit Union does not charge a fee for CO-OP Shared Branching transactions, please note that some credit unions participating in the network may charge a fee for the CO-OP transaction.
Unlocking Convenience: Discover CO-OP Shared Branching with Family Savings Credit Union
How to Access
To take advantage of this service, when you enter a shared branch you need to bring:
- Your home credit union’s name
- Your account number
- Valid Government -Issued Photo Identification, i.e., State Driver’s License or US Passport
- Valid Permanent Resident Card or Resident Alien Card.
- Valid United States Military ID
- Valid Matricula Consular ID Card
Visit the CO-OP Shared Branch's website to find a shared branch or ATM right now. Or call 1-888-SITE-CO-OP (888-748-3266) for more information and specific location branch hours.